Our Mission

We believe in giving back to the environment. That is why we will dedicate 15% of our proceeds to supporting environmental causes. A portion of your purchase will be distributed to a cause which will support the environment and preserve the worlds natural environment. We believe in our sustainability mission to wear something from the earth, to appreciate it and to give back. We want to leave the planet better than we left it so we encourage people to use sustainable products, recycle, get involved in community activities to advance sustainability as much as possible. Purchasing from us looks great on you. Look beautiful and be a part of the change we would all like to see in the world.

Our Mission

We believe in giving back to the environment. That is why we will dedicate 15% of our proceeds to supporting environmental causes. A portion of your purchase will be distributed to a cause which will support the environment and preserve the worlds natural environment. We believe in our sustainability mission to wear something from the earth, to appreciate it and to give back. We want to leave the planet better than we left it so we encourage people to use sustainable products, recycle, get involved in community activities to advance sustainability as much as possible. Purchasing from us looks great on you. Look beautiful and be a part of the change we would all like to see in the world.

Our Story

Inspired Earth Jewelry was founded by Monica and Erica Tugaeff, mother and daughter, who love designing, wearing and making jewelry using the finest materials found in or on the earth and in the oceans. We began making jewelry we love and began selling our pieces to friends and co-workers. Since then, we have enjoyed selling our jewelry at pop up shops, craft fairs, specialty shops and online. Crystals and minerals have been worn since classical times for beauty as well as for medicinal and healing properties. We love using crystals and minerals in our jewelry and we appreciate the natural healing and energizing properties received when our customers wear them. Our one of a kind pieces are made to be appreciated, inspired and worn for their beauty and as versatile statement pieces and keepsakes.

Monica Tugaeff: About the Artist

I have always loved rocks and minerals, and as a jewelry designer and enthusiast, I have spent my working life as a Graphic Designer and have always been involved creating art in some way. Creating and designing jewelry is my passion. My daughter, Erica, has joined me in my jewelry business. Together, we make jewelry that gives the wearer a unique look and style.

Erica Tugaeff: About the Co Founder

I love making jewelry alongside my mom, supporting sustainable products and giving back to the environment one piece at a time. We love traveling and sightseeing. We will continue to travel and expand our favorite minerals and crystals and keep us inspired!